I come from...
I'm a paraglider and paramotor pilot. I'm coming from Romania, and no, Dracula is not a real historical figure. But thank you americans for the great story, we make good money from tourism.
Paramotor Pilot
I started PPG in 2019 in Illinois at Midwest Parajet with Scott and Steve. Like for many others, this changed my life. Since the pandemics started, I've been traveling a lot, flew places and met many pilots, schools and instructors, including the unique Super Dell. I keep my ears open, everyone you meet and every place you fly can teach you something. I also keep my filters active, not everything you hear is true or useful. Except what I say - I am always right 😁
Paraglider Pilot
Flying in calm air and low altitude is nice and safe, but mountains are a whole different game. You're best if you also take free flight classes. My choice was Salt Lake City, UT and Cloud 9 school. Steve is a real OG, and his team of instructors is solid. They understood quickly where I came from, I had some basics from PPG, and focused on filling the gaps and building on top. Was it Pat or Alex that showed us the polar curve on the board? I instantly clicked into it and thought I need to do an interactive app to teach it. This is how this website has born.